ice control servicesULTRA Dust Control (UDC) supplies municipalities and private industry with Calcium Chloride and Magnesium Chloride liquid ice control products. We have 1.8 million gallons of on-site storage capacity. We supply these ice control products to private and state agencies in Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Ohio, and Virginia. UDC ice control products can be applied to roads and parking lots before a storm for preventative ice control or after a storm as a de-icing agent.






ULTRA Dust Control

Corporate Headquarters
1380 Rte. 286 E.
Building 3
Indiana, PA 15701
Office: 724.465.9399
Fax: 724.465.9829

Manufacturing Facility
10027 Rte. 403 Hwy. S.
Seward, PA 15954
Office: 814.446.5625
Fax: 814.446.5627

If you are interested in becoming an ULTRA Dust Contol Product Distribution Partner, please CLICK HERE!