Human Health SafetyHuman Health and Safety:

ULTRA Bond™ is a stable, non-volatile water emulsion consisting of a mixture of paraffinic resins, water, and a small amount of wetting solutions. The resins are the dust binding portions that bond the soil particles together without the need for humidity or moisture.

Based on the generic chemical make up of the constituents in the emulsion, ULTRA Bond™ is classified as non-hazardous to health; in particular, it is not classified as carcinogenic or mutagenic.

Contact with eyes or skin are not expected to cause any severe irritation. However, as with any emulsified resin product, caution should be exercised to minimize contact, and to appropriately and thoroughly wash the contacted area with soap and water.

Environmental SafetyEnvironmental Safety:

ULTRA Bond™ is not injurious to most plants, trees, or shrubs. In fact, it has been used to aid in the germination process by holding seed in place and retaining moisture in the ground.

The toxicity of ULTRA Bond™ has been evaluated under the protocol for Synthetic Leach Procedure (SPLP) and evaluated against PA Department of Environmental Protection Module 25 release limits to ensure that there are no elemental releases that may cause environmental harm.

To demonstrate that storm runoff from roadways treated with Ultra Bond™ will not harm aquatic life, both the “Acute Ceriodaphnia dubia Survival Test” and the “Acute Oncorhynchus mykiss Survival Test” were run on an emulsion/water mixture typically used in practice, and proved successful in these aquatic studies.

Successive treatments of ULTRA Bond™ will result in a desirable buildup of resins, even though the resin is undergoing biodegradation. If a regular maintenance program is in place, the resins are not totally lost when a roadway is lightly graded and the treated material is not “lost” when pushed to the sides. Simply blade the treated soil back onto the roadway and make another light application of ULTRA Bond™. When maintenance treatment is discontinued, the built-up ULTRA Bond™ will disappear over time through the natural environmental biodegradation process.

No dust palliative should be applied during a rainstorm, or if a storm is imminent, because heavy rain could wash away any product until it has a chance to penetrate the surface soil and/or cure. Normally, ULTRA Bond™ will penetrate into the surface and be relatively dry in less than one hour. However, should a sudden heavy rainstorm occur during the application process and wash away any ULTRA Bond™ still on the surface, please note the product retains its environmental safety qualities.

ULTRA Dust Control

Corporate Headquarters
1380 Rte. 286 E.
Building 3
Indiana, PA 15701
Office: 724.465.9399
Fax: 724.465.9829

Manufacturing Facility
10027 Rte. 403 Hwy. S.
Seward, PA 15954
Office: 814.446.5625
Fax: 814.446.5627

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